Of the many services we offer, one of the best natural remedies is acupuncture. This treatment is used in a myriad of ways-from treating chronic pain and muscle spasms to helping with depression. Here are six especially great benefits of acupuncture:
1. Reduces Headache Pain and Frequency: In a study done at the University of Munich, acupuncture was proved to reduce headache symptoms for a decreased number of days, particularly for those with chronic headaches.
2. Helps with Chronic Pain: With back, neck, arthritis, and shoulder pain, acupuncture was proved to help reduce pain levels.
3. Aids with Insomnia: When studied, patients with insomnia that were taking medicinal/herbal supplements with acupuncture gleaned better benefits compared to those who were only taking medicinal/herbal supplements to treat their insomnia.
4. Improves Cancer and Chemotherapy Recovery: The benefits of acupuncture regarding cancer and chemotherapy include, but are not limited to, enhanced immunity and platelet counts, less pain from treatments, and a decrease in nausea from chemotherapy.
5. Prevents Cognitive Decline: At the University Of Maryland School Of Medicine a study was done that showcased the helpfulness of acupuncture in areas of tremors, walking, handwriting, sleep, and depression in Parkinson’s patients. Over eighty percent of these patients reported improvements among their own symptoms.
6. Pre- and Post-Natal Care: During pregnancy/labor, as well as post-baby, women have seen reduction in stress and anxiety, as well as help in balancing hormones due to acupuncture.
If you are considering acupuncture, come and visit any of our four locations-we offer full acupuncture services with licensed acupuncturists.
Courtesy of: Dr. Axe